Talking to Plants
TTaallkkiinngg ttoo PPllaannttss

Talking to Plants

Spring in Austin Texas is a beautiful place to be. I am riding and training my horses most days and the trails are bursting with wild flowers some of which we can get short wafts of sweet fragrance. Plants can communicate psychicly I learnt this to my utter amazement when I was asked to speak to a wisteria plant. The owner wanted to persuade it to set up a couple of roots either side of the window to create a pretty arch and on one side of the front door.

I went into psychic mode and asked slowly and with a dense kind of feeling (different from humans and animals, more peaceful) a felt feeling in my body the answers came. First he needed to dig up the bush and the plant would set a root there. He took up the bush and sure enough a root sprouted there right in the middle of where the bush was! Of course it took a year or two but the plant rooted right there. Now, 10 years later Wisteria hangs around the door beautifully. And the roots grew up around the window!

My egoic self has no clue how this happens and is as amazed as my friends and family are, however, it shouldn’t totally surprise us. We are all separate physical beings yet we are all One energetically. So perhaps the energy is communicated within the oneness and expressed via the physical. This is the deeper take on the realities of trees and plants, animals and humans. My conclusion: we are joined underneath as One responding separately.